TryCatch 4075 |
SQL | Fons Sonnemans | |
Adds a Try/Catch including a transaction | ||
Dispose pattern 3828 |
C# | Fons Sonnemans | |
Code snippet for the dispose pattern | ||
stopwatch 3001 |
C# | Fons Sonnemans | |
Code snippet for System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew, Stop + Log Elapsed | ||
eventargs 2932 |
C# | Fons Sonnemans | |
Code snippet for event declaration and method for raising it | ||
iif 2895 |
C# | Fons Sonnemans | |
Code snippet for iif (bool ? a : b) statement | ||
propNotify 2888 |
C# | Fons Sonnemans | |
Code snippet for property with INotifyPropertyChanged.PropertyChanged notify and backing field | ||
event 2815 |
C# | Fons Sonnemans | |
Code snippet for event declaration and method for raising it | ||
ifelse 2722 |
C# | Fons Sonnemans | |
Code snippet for if else statement | ||
struct 2715 |
C# | Fons Sonnemans | |
Code snippet for a readonly struct with the [StructLayout(Auto)] attribute | ||
Lorem Ipsum 2684 |
HTML | Fons Sonnemans | |
Markup snippet for some Lorem Ipsum paragraphs | ||
ifelse 2670 |
C# | Fons Sonnemans | |
Code snippet for if else statement | ||
Define a DependencyProperty for S... 2632 |
C# | Fons Sonnemans | |
Code snippet for a property using DependencyProperty as the backing store and a Handler for the DependencyPropertyChanged event | ||
Define an attached DependencyProp... 2593 |
C# | Fons Sonnemans | |
Code snippet for an attached property using DependencyProperty as the backing store | ||
Horizontal Stack Panel 2521 |
XAML | Fons Sonnemans | |
XAML snippet for a StackPanel with Horizontal Orientation | ||
Grouped GridView 2477 |
XAML | Fons Sonnemans | |
XAML snippet for a Grouped GridView | ||
Grid.RowDefinitions with two RowD... 2474 |
XAML | Fons Sonnemans | |
XAML snippet for a Grid.RowDefinitions with two RowDefinition objects | ||
Page Navigation 2473 |
C# | Fons Sonnemans | |
Code snippet for an Xaml Page Navigation using the Common NavigationHelper | ||
Page Header 2426 |
XAML | Fons Sonnemans | |
XAML snippet for basic page header | ||
Grid.ColumnDefinitions with two C... 2350 |
XAML | Fons Sonnemans | |
XAML snippet for a Grid.ColumnDefinitions with two ColumnDefinition objects | ||
clsDelegateCommand 2201 |
C# | Fons Sonnemans | |
DelegateCommand class | ||
Define a Property with Notify Pro... 2172 |
VB | Fons Sonnemans | |
Defines a Property with a backing field which notifies (raises) the PropertyChanged event. | ||
Class Program with Main() 965 |
C# | Fons Sonnemans | |
Class Program with Main() | ||
propsemi 143 |
C# | Fons Sonnemans | |
Code snippet for semi auto property |